8oz Tub of fish flakes. I started using these flakes about a year ago when somebody suggested that cockroaches like to eat them. I now feed them to very many of my creatures and everything seems to thrive on them! I feed them to cockroaches, millipedes, hermit crabs, crickets, beetle larvae and more.
As I now buy the flakes in bulk, I thought I would make up some tubs for sale. The flakes are marketed as "healthy, easily digestible and a great source of nutrients" (for fish/bugs not humans).
Tub of Fish Flakes (Bug food)
- Product Code: 363
- Availability: 8
- £1.50
Selection of Specials
Cuban Burrowing Cockroach (Byrsotria fumigata) - Per Tub
Common Name: Cuban Burrowing Cockroach Scientific Name: Byrsotria fumigata Status: Captive Br..
Rainbow Isopod (Porcellio scaber Lava) x 3 (medium/large)
Common Name: Rainbow Isopod Scientific Name : Porcellio scaber Lava Size : Medium/large x ..
Dubia Cockroach (Blaptica dubia) Per Tub
Common Name: Dubia Cockroach (formally the Orange Spotted cockroach) Scientific Name: Blap..
Green Banana Cockroach (Panchlora nivea) Per Tub
Common Name : Green Banana CockroachScientific Name : Panchlora niveaStatus : Captive BredThese fasc..
Domino Cockroach (Therea petiveriana) Per Tub
Common Name: Domino Cockroach Scientific Name: Therea petiverianaStatus: Captive Bred A bea..
Red Runner Cockroach (Shelfordella tartara) Per Tub
Common Name: Red Runner Cockroach Scientific Name: Shelfordella tartara Status: Cap..