I have so much going on in my life
I have so much going on in my life at the moment that I just cannot write a blog. Well not one that anyone would want to read! I'm still here plodding along but there is so much sickness, death and bad news in my family that I am finding it hard to be positive and upbeat (as I like to think I usually am). Normal service will resume when things start to improve. I was very pleased to find the Gooty Ornamental spider (Poecilotheria metallica) that escaped a couple of weeks ago in my bug room and I did have a laugh when I looked at the video my son made last week of me attempting to retrieve the lids for my tubs from the garden shed full of wasps. I really need the lids but I failed miserably. I will put the video on my Facebook page but for now here is a picture of me in my Amazon bought, bee outfit.