Back by popular demand
Back by popular demand. I have had some really nice emails pointing out
that people understand but really miss my weekly blog or weekly whinge as I
call it! Anyhow I have decided to keep going but at a slower pace. I aim to
write a monthly blog (monthly moan perhaps?J)
I'm also thinking of putting it on my Facebook page and then it could be more
interactive. I had an email this week from one of my customers suggesting that
I might like to have 'guest bloggers'. I'm not sure I totally understand so
feel free to tell me if I have got completely the wrong end of the stick. If
anyone wants to write their own blog about their life and bug keeping I would
be quite happy to put it on the website.
I have of course been very busy with the bugs since last writing. I have
many new creatures in my bug room. Last week I had a lot of new stick insects
come in. Some are now showing for sale on the website and others I will be
keeping for breeding (and some I haven’t had time to put on the site yet).
There are some very interesting ones that I have not seen before and some that
I just haven't kept for a long time. Many moons ago most of my business was
stick insects and I probably had up to 20 species breeding at a time. These
days I only keep a few of the more exciting ones like the beautiful Jungle
Nymphs. I don't have the time to look after them all (constantly collecting
leaves and cleaning out) and I don't have the space for all the cages.
Although I visit several bug shows around the country each year I
very rarely have tables at them anymore but I will be exhibiting and selling my
little animals at a show next month. I will put details on my site nearer the
time. I generally go to the shows to buy in new stock and of course chat to
everyone. It is great to meet old and new friends and plenty of people that I
have only communicated with by email or phone. I have decided to take part
in this show as it falls at a good time, just before the school holidays when
things tend to slow down in my work. I am also planning a week away so less
animals to look after sounds like a good idea.
Whilst writing this blog I have the door open to my bug room and it was
feeling hotter than ever. The heating is all on timers or thermostats so I have
just been to investigate. I am horrified! The tube heaters that my husband
fitted just a few months ago supposedly have their own thermostats but I have
just discovered that they were all boiling hot. I have switched them off and
will check to make sure this time. I can’t believe it, no wonder the bug room
has been so hot the last few days, it is really hot and sunny outside but it
didn’t seem to cool down when I opened the doors, now I know why! Goodness
knows how much it will have been costing in electricity. We have just changed
energy suppliers because our bills are a fortune L
What has happened to all the Stag beetles this year? I haven’t seen a
single one, not even a squished one. I truly adore Stag beetles, they take me
back to my childhood when I used to rescue them on the path as I walked to
school. Sadly, they are far scarcer these days but I do hope they are still
common in some areas? Everyone knows that I love snakes and really enjoy seeing
them in the wild. It seems like a good year for Grass snakes as lots of people
have sent me photos of snakes in their garden or ones that they have come
across when out walking their dogs. I haven’t seen any but I live in hope of
one day attracting them to my wildlife garden (I would probably settle for a
slow worm). I do however have Bumble bees in my nesting box (I watch them on a
screen from the camera in the box and they are fascinating), newts galore,
frogs, hedgehogs, wood mice etc. All I need now is a night vision camera set up
in the garden (I will put it on hubby’s list). I’m not sure if we have any bats
in our bat boxes as I can’t reach and I can’t find the remote control to view
Anyway, better get on as I am off to Luxembourg for the weekend to visit
my niece (special family occasion). I’m sure it will be lovely when I get there
but as my hubby is in Spain and our daughter is in Tenerife, I have had to rope
in an army of helpers with all the animals and now I find myself panicking
about my garden as I haven’t arranged anyone to water it (sorry but I’m hoping
the forecast is wrong and there is rain sometime at the weekend).
Yes, my life is busy as