Autumn is definitely here
Autumn is definitely here and it seems absolutely no time since I was looking forward to spring. I love the spring/summer and the warm weather. So many people tell me that they love autumn, I admit that the trees look very pretty with their orange and yellow leaves but then they fall off and everything dies! Having said that, so far October has been very mild. I was expecting to use heat packs in all my parcels from October 1st but as yet I haven’t used any. I am writing this blog a day early as I know there won’t be time tomorrow, so as I write I am about to post orders off this morning and may possibly get the heat packs out for a few selected orders. The trouble is that the weather has been pretty warm during the day and I certainly don’t want to over-heat any of the bugs. Stick insects and cockroaches would be fine if they got chilled but I tend to be more careful with other creatures such as millipedes, tarantulas and scorpions. Scorpions really don’t like to get too cold and I don’t post Land Hermit Crabs at all in cold weather as their shells absorb the cold and they cannot cope with prolonged chilling (I’m doing a good job of convincing myself I need to get the heat packs out).
Last Saturday I spent an enjoyable day at the AES exhibition (Amateur Entomologists Society) at Kempton park racecourse. It was a sunny day and full of bug enthusiasts of all ages. I have been attending the show for more years than I care to admit, let’s just say ‘lots and lots of years’. I bought some new stock for the website and some exciting animals for my Jungle parties. I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with people and telling everyone that I am off on our super trip to Costa Rica next month (yes, it is all booked). I spoke to several people who have already visited the country and all, without exception loved it. It seems the whole of Costa Rica is teeming with animals and the ethos of the country is to save itself from urbanisation and destruction. The economy relies on its visitors and educating the world on conservation, which sounds good to me. I have said before that it has been voted the ‘happiest country in the world’.
It was really nice to spend time with my old boss from my London Butterfly House days in the 1980’s. I have a lot to thank Clive Farrell for, as without him I doubt I would ever have had my wonderful career. He is a very influential guy and I always love to see him. We had a tea and a chat (I would say a sit down but the café was packed so we had to stand). I recently came across a photo of Clive and I at the AES exhibition in 1991 and took a copy of the photo to give him. I asked a friend at the show to take a new photo of us and when I get a minute I will put the two photos on my Facebook page (we haven’t changed a bit J).
I spoke to many people at the show about bio-active set-ups and Woodlice
in particular. I’m amazed how popular they are and how much they are selling
for! I really can’t see the appeal but I bought some Giant Orange Spanish
Woodlice to give them a go. Woodlice to me are just a damn nuisance that breed
like crazy in my millipede boxes and eat up the leaves that I have collected. I
am forever chucking them out but I will get some on the website soon as it
seems people want them. It is certainly good that people are setting up natural
looking habitats for their animals but I must say it is something that I have
always tried to do (obviously ahead of my time). I may well sell a mixed box of
bio-active bugs, perhaps some Woodlice, millipedes, small cockroach species.
Well I might do, there again I may never get around to it. It’s the age old,
problem “so much to do and so little time to do it”. It seems that as I
complete one job on my list I then replace it with another two!
Better get a move on, I’ve a dog to walk and a lot of little bugs to
pack. Oops, just remembered last month’s Review competition, I will draw the
winner very soon. OK very soon, there were only 3 reviews and 2 were from
Miguel. I did a quick ‘Ip dip sky blue’ and Miguel is the winner – photo below and
I remembered this week to take the photo the right way around J